goodbyyye 2020

Just a few days ago (12/17/20) Fullscript released an article, a holiday blog actually, titled 21 Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holiday Season: Managing Stress, Eating Well, and More. It’s the best list I’ve come across. These health-focused platforms feel so important to me, not just because of the holidays as we enter the Winter months, but also because the world is combating COVID-19. Furthermore, Fullscript  articles are medically reviewed by physicians, so I trust the information they provide. Here, I’ll tell you about my top three from their list.

Eat mindfully.

It’s impossible to savor the flavors, textures and temperatures of our food if we are gulping them down, barely even chewing what we put in our mouth. Mindful eating brings the practice of mindfulness to each meal, that is, we use mealtime to slow down, to connect with our senses. By setting down the fork or spoon between eat bite, we extend this practice, thus gaining additional benefits. This simple practice supports our digestive system as well, because we swallow each bite after we have thoroughly chewed it. In addition, mindful eating can decrease overeating and the uncomfortable side effects of overeating, such as bloating.

Spend time with your (or someone else’s) pet.

Pets deliver so many great benefits for physical and mental health. Spending time with a pet can decrease depression and loneliness while bringing comfort and companionship. Improved pain management and immune function, plus lower blood pressure, are just some of the wonderful benefits of spending time with a pet. So dedicate some time to interacting with your pet or the pet of someone you know. If that is absolutely impossible, it is just fine to go to a dog park alone! While ideal,  you don’t need to own a pet of your own to gain what’s noted above, but you do need to play, pet, and interact for top results.

Laugh often.

In addition to spending time with pets, laughter also brings positive physical and mental health outcomes. For instance, laughter can regulate our mood – don’t we need that this time of year? Who knew that we would be going through a holiday season with a pandemic on the loose! When I laugh out loud, I forget about my troubles immediately. I have always loved stand-up comedy, but since comedy clubs are closed down these days I’ve shifted gears. Here, I have a short list of the comedians I plan to see on Netflix this Winter. Kevin Hart, Larry The Cable Guy, and several others have released new live stand-up performances. All I need is the remote control, a couple Keto Cups, and a hot tea…and I’m all set.

Let’s prioritize our health and the health of our loved ones this Winter (and beyond). Happy 2021 everyone! I can’t believe this looong year is almost over.

You can find the entire Fullscript article at

Here’s to 2021,

Dr. Kim

dreaming healing

I’m really looking forward to Tuesday, December 15th  – that evening, three women authors and dreamworkers will be all together, sharing, chatting and laughing away, on the show Dreaming Healing. Kathleen O’Keefe Kanavos, aka Kat, is the creator and host of Dreaming Healing. Her live show introduces her viewers to all sorts of fascinating topics. On December 15th, Linda Yael Schiller and I, along with Kat, will be sharing the impact of some of our most profound dreams, and how we work with those dreams. We will share with you our process and our inspirations! Dreams that have diagnosed a chronic illness, dreams that have delivered prescriptive healing instruction, and even dreams with deceased loved ones that have brought peace and left us with deep gratitude will be shared. Have you had dreams like these? If so, then you know the power they hold and the gifts they provide. Linda, Kat and I all believe that dreams come in service, leading us toward health, healing and wholeness. Yes, even nightmares!

Let me tell you a little about us:

Kat is a three-time breast cancer survivor. She openly shares her experience in her books and anytime one asks her about it. Her dreams foretold breast cancer diagnoses – even the exact location, when physicians were dismissing her.

My own breast cancer related dreams seemed vague to me at first, even though they were recalled for almost a year prior to my diagnosis. Admittedly, I did not take them too seriously. After the diagnosis, I recalled instructive dreams that told me what to eat and what to avoid, as well as revealing deeper, underlying concerns. Today, dreams and shamanic journeys continue to guide me and provide soulful wisdom.

Linda brings a Kabbalistic lens to the table when it comes to dreams and wellness. She can share with us first-hand how visitations dreams can offer healing and transformation.

Each of us women has been trained in a variety of approaches to dreamwork, and each of us work with dreams in both similar and dissimilar ways. Kat’s show, Dreaming Healing, answers your questions and shares your comments live, so please pop in! We are available to help you dive into your dreams, no matter if you are just beginning a practice or are an experienced dreamer.

We welcome you and would love for you to reach out – we are here to answer you dream-inspired questions.

Linda can be reached at

Find Kat at

And I am at – you are here now 😉

Love and laughter,

Dr. Kim