oh what surprises dreams bring

“Are you expecting anyone?” can be the first question heard in a household after a loud knock on the door. We all have different feelings about surprise visitors knocking at our door. Some are thrilled to receive a spontaneous visit while others prefer a text or call first, allowing time to prepare for the visit. 

When it comes to dreaming, things can go a bit differently during those nocturnal adventures. We can ask for a visit, as part of a dream incubation ritual or intentional dreaming practice. However, we may not always get what we expect. Other times, a surprise visitor will just pop up, without any forewarning whatsoever. When it comes to dreams, who are these visitors?

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The ‘visits’ we may recall in our dreams can include a wide range visitors, from babies-to-be to those dearly departed. There is specific terminology for these types of experiences. Have you heard of the term ‘announcing dream?’ Think of a pre-birth (or even pre-conception) communication occurring between parent and child-to-be. Pregnancy is not required for an announcing dream to unfold. Announcing dreams are much more than a mundane dream of a baby, and they come with such visual, tactile and auditory sensation that extends beyond mere fantasy. These kinds of dreams can hit so hard that upon awakening, there is no doubt in the genuine communication that took place.

Announcing dreams are not metaphorical like most ‘fertility’ dreams, meaning that instead of dreaming of a ripe growing fruit, for example, an announcing dream could include a child or baby proclaiming, “I’m coming” or even provide the dreamer with his/her/their name. I’ve interviewed dozens of women about their announcing dreams and can tell you that while they provoke all sorts of emotions, these experiences are memorable and held close to the heart. Announcing dreams are not all rainbows and butterflies, although many times, these dreams spark confidence and enhance pre-natal bonding.

Are you are parent or grandparent? 

Do you recall an announcing dream during the time of pregnancy? 

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As the years pass by, our time inhabiting this body comes to an end. Those weekly or even yearly visits we spent with friends and family do not necessarily have to end just because death has come knocking. A commonly-reported dream experience containing an interaction of some sort with the deceased is known as a visitation dream. 

Unlike announcing dreams, visitation dreams can unfold across the lifespan – they have been reported by children and those at end-of-life as well. Furthermore, the visitation dream experience is not always a happy affair. Here, in this article, let’s focus on the warmer, heart-felt visitations. Allow me to share a memorable one noted in my April 2020 dream journal. This dream segment is also reported in my 2021 book Dream Medicine: The Intersection of Wellness and Consciousness.

It is a warm, sunny day. I see my beloved Nonni sitting on a structure, like a cement block, in a park. She is having a lively conversation on a cell phone, even though they were not common when she was living. “How strange,” I think. I have a good feeling when I see her. She’s wearing a pretty violet and blue dress… As I greet her with a touch and a kiss, I can feel her and I can smell her.

Dream reports of the deceased may emerge shortly after the deceased has passed on or decades after the death. With regard to my dream with Nonni, I can tell you that her death date was over three decades ago. Other recalled visitation dreams are fresh.

Sometimes, although more rarely, an announcing dream and a visitation dream merge. I recall a pregnant woman who reported to me how in her dream as she pushed a stroller where her newborn rested, they passed a bench where her deceased uncle sat. He offered her a smile and a wink. This dream took place two years after the uncle’s death. The dreamer noted mixed feelings – both positive and anxiety-inducing. Since each person holds unique beliefs about death and dreams as well, you cannot predict who will or will not come away from these experiences with peace or tension. 

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Both announcing dreams and visitation dreams can be quite visceral. Experiencers are not easily talked out of the dream’s ‘realness’ as the experience is quite potent. When anyone shares their inner world, such as an impactful dream, it’s best to just listen. After all, the dreamer owns the dream – it was meant for them.

Maybe you have experienced extraordinary dreams, or you would like to. I’m offering an intimate in-person retreat in Mexico this October. This retreat is for those who would like to learn more about extraordinary dreams and liminal state visions, enter a community space where these experiences can be safely discussed, and get personalized support in the dream arts. Here’s the link with the details: https://consciouschimera.com/retreats/ We are booking NOW so act fast to get the best room!

Dream big,

Dr. Kim